If you have a good credit score, you can avail an Old Mutual Loan. However, you will have to provide documents showing your residence, such as utility bills or credit card statements. You must also submit the documents to the sales centre, which is open from Monday to Friday, with a small window on Saturdays. In order to complete your application, you need to have a valid ID, such as a state-issued ID or passport. If you cannot produce a valid ID, you can use DL or e-mail it to the Old Mutual.
You can check the status of your application through several methods. You 1life personal loans can also check on the status of your application online through Internet banking. Click on the loan section tab, and then click on the check status tab. You can even call the bank and ask about your application status. You can find this link near the end of the application form. Once you submit the required documents, you will be contacted by Old Mutual about the process. You can then proceed to pay back the loan, if it has been approved or declined.
You can check the status of your application through a few methods. You can check the status of your loan by logging into Internet banking. You can click on the loan section tab, and then select the check status tab. Once you have entered the details of your application, you can check the status of it by calling the bank or logging into your Internet banking account. Once you have submitted your documents, the Old Mutual representative will verify your credentials, and you will be contacted soon by mail about the progress of your application.
The minimum interest rate for an Old Mutual loan varies, but the maximum interest rate is 24.5%. You can check the status of your application by calling the bank, going to their branch, or checking your account through their online banking app or internet banking. To confirm your application, you will need to upload your bank statements and your SA ID to be sure it has been approved. Then, you’re all done! The process of applying for an Old Mutual loan is quick and simple, and you’ll be able to get the money you need in no time at all.
Once you’ve filled out your information in the application form, you’ll have to wait for the bank to contact you. After you have submitted your documents, you can check the status of your Old Mutual loan by calling the bank or sending them an email. There are various methods to check the status of your application, such as phone calls and mail. Once you’ve provided all of your necessary information, the process will take no longer than a few minutes. Remember to double check your eligibility and upload your supporting documents.